Saturday, May 16, 2015

Packing! Or.....unpacking?

Well, I found the perfect bag! Thank you Ross! I love a nice leapard print duffel, it is my first and probably the last. Actually I returned it this morning. It was swiftly replaced on one of my many succesful trip to Goodwill. There, I found a "not too shabby"carry on. It's purple of all colors, which matches my eye cover which coincidentally matches my neck pillow, and my backpack given to me by my dear friend Kristen. I will not be loosing my luggage this trip. It will stick out like a tulip among a sea of asphalt black suitcases. This is a good thing. I've lost too many things in the past week. In fact, I'd say I'm not allowed to loose anything else this year. In one weekend I managed to have my wallet and favorite jacket stolen. Then I broke my new phone and am left with nothing but a pager. After many phone calls and a dreaded visit to the DMV, my orders are in. I have credit cards, a drivers license, and a phone on the way, supposedly....fingers are crossed and my prayers have been heard, so now I wait. This trip is especially exciting for me. My brother Dan and I have joined up for a trip, every other year since 2007. And the tradition continues! 2007 - Western Europe together 2009 - Dan met Jesse and I in the Phillipines 2011 - Honduras with Jesse, Julie, and Ashley 2013 - Dan and I met on Isla Mujeres, Mexico and completed our Advanced Divers Certification. 2015 - Central/Eastern Europe with Katie, then at the end I'll join Julie, Merc. and Diane. Just under four days to go.....and I'm definitly counting down.